Beer-thirty returns with Guinness IPA, smoother than your average IPA, the most average Earth in the multiverse, Marvel resets their long running titles to number 1, again, erasing the history of your favorite characters, the dream fake out, Spider-May, gender flipping every title, positive role models, the high cost of buying every marvel title, the 'Sperman' family and their dog, the tacopocalypse, video playlists, ideas for future videos, funny words, candy corn juice, the taco that swallowed the world, our worst performances since the beginning of the podcast, crazy eyes, editing the videos, missed the funniest part of the taco juice video, epic extended edition burritos, black whoppers, try not to juice everything, jumping the juicer shark, quality through quantity, puppets are chick magnets, who are those desperate mothers, Gandalf's temptation, Playboy throwing in the towel, CJ's costumes are not meant to be seen in full daylight, the protobunny, wrap up.